Year One Key Moments 2017-2018
This is our special acknowledgement and expression of appreciation to Te Rūnanga o Tamaūpoko for being an interim governance entity for the Tamaūpoko Community Working Party to enable the delivery of the Community Led Development Programme to the Tamaūpoko settlement communities as per the partnering agreement with the Department of Internal Affairs.

- Signed 29 May 2017 at Paraweka, Pipiriki.
We are grateful too, to Daryn Te Uamairangi for seeing the opportunity and successfully applying for the programme while chair of Te Rūnanga o Tamaūpoko and also as chair of Ohotu 1C1 which was the initial fund-holder.

- Application submitted 15 February 2017 & notified of success, 21 April 2017.
The Tamaūpoko Community Led Trust – trading as ‘TCLT’, is legally registered and has also attained ‘charitable’ status.
- Accepted 5 September 2018 – CC55685.
The current officers are:
- Tiara Ranginui (community rep for Matahiwi & trustee)
- Siobhan Marshall (community rep for Rānana & trustee)
- Darleen Poutini-Tume (community rep for Jerusalem-Hiruhārama & trustee)
- Thomas Hawkins (community rep for Pipiriki & trustee)
The following are hapū rep advisers to TCLT:
- Richard Kingi (Ngāti Kurawhatia – Pipiriki)
- Ron Hough (Ngāti Hau – Jerusalem-Hiruhārama)
- Moewai Hyland (Ngāti Ruaka, Ngāti Hine and Ngāti Hine Korako – Rānana)
- To be appointed (Ngāti Aokehu, Ngāti Taanewai and Ngā Poutama – Matahiwi)
Our TCLT kaumātua are:
- Uncle Pope Gray
- Aunty Jude Treanor
TCLT now has the proven structure and support services (governance, financial and accounting systems, policies and procedures, operational experience, employment capability, etc) in place, after 12-months of programme provision and some on-the-ground projects successfully implemented.
- Hunt Nation Festival
- Recycling trailer
- Recycling bins & bags
- Bus shelter
- Security solar lamps
- Road safety mirrors
- Zumba in the AWA
- Muay Thai

The Trust is in a position to take on the responsibility of the partnering agreement with the Department of Internal Affairs and independently focus on its core business of community-led development within our four settlements (with the locals, for the locals and by the locals).
- Request made to Te Rūnanga o Tamaūpoko, 10 October 2018.
We are very aware of staying clear of rūnanga, hapū and marae matters. It is our hope that Te Rūnanga o Tamaūpoko will continue to support our endeavours and we will always be available, if required to lend a helping hand.
TCLT also acknowledges the Department of Internal Affairs for selecting us as one of its five founding partners and the evolving relationship with the CLDP leadership panel and management team.

- CLDP Partner’s Hui in Wellington, 19 & 20 May 2018.

- Inaugural SCEMP (Emergency Management Planning) Hui at the Hub, 11 July 2018.

- Trust Deed Review Hui at the Hub, 12 September 2018.

- First trustee’s governance training session with Wiki Mulholland, 26 September 2018.

- Shared celebration of Year 1 programme, 14 December 2018.