Year Three Key Moments 2019-2020
The year that the Covid-19 pandemic struck… an overview and montages, under extraordinary circumstances, of how the TCLD Trust and TCLT Operations Team continued to serve its community people in our third-year agreement with the Department of Internal Affairs of community-led development delivery.
December 2019 – February 2020
New Zealand Community Trust (NZCT) Application & Outcome [Engaged & Included]
The success of the application provides a much-needed asset to the settlement communities. The trustees established protocols to allow access to the van.
“A community that really cares for each other”

December 2019 – February 2020
River Valley Rural Community Hub [An Independent Facility]
There have been a number of discussions about how to approach this project for best & effective investment return, shared contribution & mutual benefits and resulting positive community impact outcomes.
A draft lease agreement has been drawn up for consideration & discussion. Clauses can be added to ensure safety mechanisms for all involved.
Some preliminary professional advice & suggestions were sourced about the state & condition of the homestead and being converted into a community hub & facility.
The overwhelming response is that the house is suitable, needed & with clear planning & management this amenity will be a very valuable asset to the community-of-people from its opening and into the future.
“A special environment to work from & in”

March 2020 – October 2020
LOCKDOWN of the AWA [Protect our Whakapapa]

May 2020 – October 2020
Whanganui District Health Board Hui [Healthy Rural Communities]
The CEO of the WDHB expressed an interest in knowing about and understanding the Community Led Development Programme as designed, promoted & managed by the Department of Internal Affairs. TCLT hosted Russell Simpson with Wiki in attendance.

TCLT also hosted some of its executive leadership team.

This is an opportunity for TCLT to co-partner, cooperate & collaborate with the WDHB as it considers other health models for effective & efficient provision.
“A healthier community of people through co-partnering”
September 2020
Covid-19 Strategic Planning [Response, Recovery & Rebuild/ Reset]
The effects of this unprecedented pandemic have provided many learning points over recent months and what remains obvious is that we must cautiously plan forward to address the covid-19 impact and a possible resurgence. More than ever, we need to combine our resources to respond, recover and reset as a community; environment, economic & social-wise.

TCLT is meeting with key organisation leaders to discuss sharing resources to strategically benefit our settlement communities.
Together, as valued partners, we can deliver on set community outcomes of real worth and investment return.
“Mā te mahi-tahi, ka ora tātou katoa”
October 2019 – October 2020
CLDP Reporting [Mindful & Grateful]
We are always cognisant of this lifeline opportunity with the Department of Internal Affairs and the duty of care and obligation it entails meeting CLDP outcomes and impacts. Covid-19 means taking many deep breaths before re-aligning, re-adjusting and re-framing how we move forward with care, agility and guidance by and with our communities.
Our continued gratitude to the CLDP panel and lead adviser for trusting in our vision and approving our applications to achieve the projects completed thus far, of our settlement people.
Ngā kupu tino whakamihi ki ā koutou katoa e ngā rangatira.
“A community supported through empowerment & trust”

Potential co-partners engaging with the community in the community.
[Rotary Wanganui/ Rotary South/ Sport Whanganui & WDHB…along with DIA, MPI & TPK]
October 2020 – September 2021
CLDP Moving Forward [Intelligence Data and Consistency of Application]
TCLT knows the collection, collation and analysis of up-to-date information is a key component of strategically moving forward for effectiveness and efficiency of effort and output. Such statistical data will enhance front-end planning and direction, co-partnering for shared project impact (transitional & transformational) and investment for deeper and broader community effect (transparent accountability & responsibility).
An outside-in view and approach to our programme allows for a wholistic strategy to be planned for and implemented, especially as we enter the 4th year of our shared journey, not forgetting our many achievements to-date.
Exciting times lie ahead for us all and Covid 19 is our added motivation to ‘go hard & go smart’ for community-led development and sustained prosperous change.

Ngā whakapainga me ngā manaakitanga – blessings & respect.
“Kotahi te kohao o te ngira…”
Nihi Houia
TCLT CSE (Community Strategic Enabler)
21 December 2020